To all DMMME students, the registration period will be on Sept. 6-8 at 9:00 -11:30 AM and 1:30 – 5:00 PM. And it will be of hybrid setting.
If you opt to have it:
It will still be conducted via Zoom.
Join via
Meeting ID: 961 7708 0410
Passcode: DMMMEreg
It will be done in MW1 Room, DMMME.
Regardless of the mode, please take note of the ff:
1. Contact your registration advisers first before entering the registration rooms: Zoom or MW1. Make sure they are available in your preferred mode.
2. Upon entering, please wait for the MMM Reps/CC to input you in your adviser’s room queue. Please send a message via the chatbox/ approach them physically for general inquiries and concerns.
Thank you! And see you!